What is difference between Biodegradation and composting methods

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What is difference between Biodegradation and composting methods

Today’s age is the age of conservation. Sustainable development is a phenomenon that has spread to every branch of study, and for good reason – with summers getting hotter and rains getting thinner, our efforts and actions have to align with environmentally friendly effects. Two popular terms that often come up in discussions about sustainability are “biodegradable” and “compostable” materials. Both terms have their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which we will explore in detail, with the intention of navigating through our consumer choices with more knowledge and ease.


Biodegradable material’ is the term used to describe any material that microorganisms like bacteria, fungi etc. can naturally break down into simpler substances, over a certain period. This natural decomposition process is nature’s way of recycling, turning complex materials back into basic elements that can be reintegrated into the environment.

The category of biodegradable materials is diverse, encompassing both natural and synthetic substances, so examples include materials of wide-ranging constituents from paper, wood, certain plastics and natural fibres like cotton and hemp.

A ‘compostable material’, often referred to as a subset of biodegradable materials, breaks down over time into organic matter. Achieving proper composting often requires specific conditions, typically found in industrial composting facilities.

Compostable materials range from common food waste, some packaging materials, fibres and even biodegradable plastics that come under the compostability standards.

Biodegradable Materials - A Deeper Look

Since microorganisms can decompose biodegradable materials, they essentially reduce the amount of waste generated along with the reduction in carbon emissions, as decomposition releases fewer greenhouse gases in general.

A few key pointers about biodegradable materials –

  • Degradation Rate & Conditions

Biodegradable processes have varying rates of time which can range from days to centuries, influenced by various factors such as chemical composition, light, water, oxygen, temperature, and particle size. Higher temperatures result in accelerating microbial activity and speeding up degradation. Moisture is important for microbes to thrive, but oversaturation can create unfavourable anaerobic conditions. Oxygen availability is another key factor, as most biodegradation processes are aerobic. The presence of light, particularly UV radiation, can contribute to the breakdown of certain materials through photo-degradation which helps in biodegradation. Additionally, the chemical composition and surface area of the material significantly affect its susceptibility to microbial breakdown. Smaller particles with larger surface areas tend to degrade faster due to increased exposure to environmental factors and microorganisms.

  • Biodegradation is independent of initiation factors.

Biodegradation occurs naturally without human intervention, as microorganisms present in soil, water, or air can begin breaking down materials as soon as conditions are favorable. This means biodegradable materials can potentially break down in various settings, from landfills to even homes. However, while the process can start without specific triggers, the rate and completeness of degradation may vary widely depending on the environmental conditions and the material’s composition.

  • After biodegradation, the soil is not necessarily enriched by its residue.

As all Chemical compounds & materials are subjected to biodegradation, the effect of biodegradation on soil quality is an important consideration. The process doesn’t necessarily enrich the soil with nutrients. In some cases, especially in sensitive ecosystems, the absence of additional nutrients from biodegradable materials might actually be preferable to maintain the existing nutrient balance.

Compostable Materials – A Deeper Look

Microorganisms in composting decompose material, turning waste into nutrient-rich compost. This process reduces landfill waste, decreases the need for chemical fertilizers, and lowers methane emissions.

A few key pointers about compostable materials –

  • Degradation rate & conditions:

To compost perfectly the conditions required are warm temperatures (usually around 50-60°C or 122-140°F), adequate moisture, and sufficient oxygen. Under these optimal circumstances, compostable materials generally break down within a 14 to 60 days timeframe.

Industrial composting facilities (operations carried out at a larger scale) are equipped to handle these conditions, but home composting (smaller-scale operations) may not always be suitable for compostable materials as it demands the need of special space, high-maintenance at a higher price.

  • Composting requires initiation factors (microbial feed, temperature, particle size, moisture, humidity).

Composting is a controlled decomposition process that requires specific initiation factors to create an optimal environment. These factors include microbial feed, temperature, particle size, moisture, and humidity. These elements are crucial for efficient composting, allowing for a more rapid and complete decomposition process.

  • Composting is done mostly of food/vegetable waste only.

The focus on food and vegetable waste in composting is significant due to its high biodegradability and rich nutrient content. By optimising parameters such as temperature and moisture, composting can significantly reduce processing time and improve the quality of the final product. Food waste contains a good balance of carbon and nitrogen essential for microbial growth.

  • After composting soil is enriched with its residue with carbon and nitrogen.

As composting is mostly done for food and vegetables, the most significant benefit of composting is its ability to enrich soil with carbon and nitrogen. Compost application increases organic matter content and improves nutrient availability in soil. Carbon enhances soil structure and water retention, while nitrogen supports plant growth. The long-term benefits of compost application are substantial – it can lead to increased crop yields and improved soil quality over time. This makes composting not just a waste management solution, but a valuable contributor to sustainable agriculture and gardening practices.


When it comes to making environmentally friendly choices, knowledge is power. In this regard, consumer education is crucial. Without a proper understanding of the terms and their implications, it’s easy to fall into traps of misinformation.

For example, it’s important for consumers to recognize that not all natural materials are biodegradable. Metals, despite being extracted from nature, do not naturally degrade in the environment. They require specific chemical reactions to break down. Moreover, while all compostable items are biodegradable, not all biodegradable items are compostable. Composting primarily involves food waste.

On this note, clear and standardised labeling also plays a vital role in guiding consumer choices. Certification schemes, such as the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) or the Compostable Products Standards, ensure transparency and help consumers identify products that meet specific environmental criteria. When consumers are armed with this knowledge, they can make informed decisions.

By making informed decisions in our daily lives, we actively participate in creating a more sustainable future – a goal that is not only achievable but essential for the health of our planet.


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