Environmentally safe Rodent Repellent Additives

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NICHEM’s No Entry additive for plastic cables, wires & pipes

Did you know? Squirrels forced Time Warner Cable to replace 87 miles of cable in New York in 2011! (1)

In the modern world, the presence of rodents negatively impacts our electronic interconnect infrastructure because rodents love to chew on electrical wire insulations. There have been numerous reports of rodents eating underground optical fiber wiring and cables. Wiring damage caused by these wild rodents costs homeowners thousands of dollars. As potential damage, chewed wires can also cause house fires as they will shoot out sparks of electricity that can set insulation and other things in the basement on fire. Some wires are very hard to replace, while others take time to get serviced by companies such as internet providers, phone companies, and electricity.

Why do the rodents chew on wires?

Have you ever wondered why rodents would chew purposely on electrical wirings and cables? Well, the reality is they’ll chew on just about anything. Squirrels & rats constantly chew or nibble soft articles like plastic cables, wires, pipes, etc. This behavior is a part of their inherent need for survival. Their incisor teeth keep on growing. If they grow beyond limits, it causes brain damage leading to the death of rats & squirrels. Thus, these rodents constantly gnaw some soft articles to polish their front teeth, get rid of the pain & stay alive. But this results in huge financial losses.

Further, faulty wiring in automobiles or household or industrial units due to rat or squirrel attacks may cause serious accidents. Toxic products based on cypermethrin or lead or copper naphthenate are available which kill the rats but they are not environment-friendly. Thus, finding a long-lasting & safe solution like No Entry rodent repellent additive to this universal problem is the need of the hour.

Now that you are better informed about the behavior of these wild rodents, let’s talk about the possible solutions as the next steps.

NICHEM’s No Entry rodent repellent additive! New invention to prevent rodent attacks

Looking at the above-mentioned facts, there is an immediate need for a solution. Hence, NICHEM’s No Entry anti rodent additive is a low toxic, low hazard, effective and efficient solution. It is designed to replace all toxic chemicals with new generation eco-friendly products based on unacceptable odor & taste-based compounds which do not kill rats & squirrels but only repel them. At NICHEM, we have worked on developing combination technologies called ‘The No Entry Range’ based on odor, taste & other repelling ingredients to serve the purpose. These have to be added as a masterbatch during the extrusion of the cables, wires & pipes.

What mechanism does NICHEM’s No Entry rodent repellent additive follow?

Before using any such chemical additives one must be aware of the mechanism and the features that chemical is actually based upon. Mostly rodent repellent additives comprise of few organoleptic actives. The organoleptic actives release slowly on the surface of the cables & cause mucus membrane irritation in rats/squirrels. The unacceptable taste & odor of the actives deter them from attacking the cables & wires. One may see the first few bites as they explore the article, but subsequent bites are prevented. The number of bites is reduced over a period of time. This behavior is passed on to the progeny & future generations do not damage the cables or wires. NICHEM’s No Entry rodent repellent additive is a quick and easy solution that can be used to protect wires as complete 360° protection to prevent rats and other pests from chewing through wires and cables.

Development of various grades of NICHEM’s No Entry rodent repellent

At NICHEM, we developed various grades of No Entry rodent repellent additives as well as sprays. The original grade was highly bitter with an obnoxious odor with excellent performance. However, the handling of this additive was challenging on the masterbatch production line. Hence, we developed LOW-ODOR & NO-ODOR grades which are well accepted by our customers today. All these grades are tested at CAZRI (Central Arid Zone Research Insititute of India-Rajasthan) for efficacy against species namely Bandicota bengalensis, Rattus rattus & Funambulus pennantii. These are the most common & damaging species of rats & squirrels respectively. They are also tested at ROSS Lifesciences, Pune-Maharashtra for efficacy against termite species namely Odontotermes.

Features of NICHEM’s No Entry rodent repellent additive

The organoleptic compounds are loaded on inorganic support by a patented process to facilitate their controlled release. They offer protection to cables & wires for about 5 to 7 years. They are UV resistant & do not damage the electrical properties. They are free of toxic substances, hence do not kill the pests, only repel them. They are compatible with polyolefins, PVC, EVA, PS & ABS. They comply with food safety norms & are heavy metal-free. They can be used for a wide range of cable & wire applications namely electrical cables, communication cables, mechanical cables, audio-visual cables, computer cables, sensing cables,  submersible cables, etc.

NICHEM’s No Entry rodent repellent spray for cars

With the help of our research team at NICHEM, we have come across the serious issue of how rodents are affecting the life essentials of humans, specifically cars. Henceforth, in addition to the No Entry additive chemical for cables and wires, our team came up with one of the best and most affordable solutions, that is, No Entry Advanced Spray. It is the new & improved version of NICHEM No Entry Repellent Spray.  It has all the qualities that prevent your car’s accessories from rodents.


A Longstanding player in Specialty Chemicals, ISO 9001:2015 Certified, providing niche solutions for over 25 years. Headed by – Senior experts in the chemicals industry with a collective experience of over 100 years. Having core strengths in Research & Development, and customization, with a focus on eco-friendly, non-toxic Products. You can find out more about NICHEM at http://nichem.solutions


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